Monday, August 24, 2009

Internet DOWNnnnnnn.......

A computer is meaningless without an internet connection. It has no life. No soul in it. It’s just an object. An empty vessel. This is how I’m feeling too due to streamyx. I have not identified the problem and neither did the streamyx guy on the other line who put me on hold for a couple of long dreadful minutes. It’s not the modem. It’s not due to my computer problem. It’s not due to my telephone line either. I can be very certain that it’s definitely streamyx own problem.
“Please wait for 2 working days for us to call you back to identify the problem”, said the streamyx guy on the other side of the line.
This was the same thing they told my dad 2 years ago when streamyx broke down. And we waited 3 weeks for him to fix the problem.
Thankfully, my dad still has his Jaring dial-up connection. Since it’s so expensive “2.4 cents per minutes”, it’s only restricted for emergency use only.
Oh well….. Time for me to go to Old Town Kopitiam for free Wifi!
P/S: If you are seriously confused with the timeline, I wrote the post above before going to Old Town. XD

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