Friday, October 1, 2021

two months post-partum

"Congratulations on your bundle of joy"

Is it really a bundle of joy? Well, yes, sometimes... When he is awake and in a good mood. Other times, all he wants is milk, to be burped, his diaper changed and sleep. Not to mention, 

With my countless sleepless night and midnight feedings/burping/diaper change, I wonder why do humans make babies? Is it implanted in our genetics to ensure survival of our species? Are we being taught that finding a partner, getting married, getting offspring, is a normality? 

All healthy newborns are already struggling.. Struggling to poop. In their early life, they struggle and grunt just to produce a bowel movement or to pass gas. 

When babies are feeding, they take in air and because their digestive systems are not mature yet, air builds up and make them uncomfortable. Therefore, babies need to be burped after every feeding. 

And as parents, we spend most of time worrying about the little one. Is he eating too little / too much? Is he too hot / too cold ? Is he comfortable? Why is he not pooping for the last 5 hours? He usually poops every 2 hours! 

Is it worth it the sleepless nights? Babies did not choose to be born into this world. It was our choice to bring him to this world. It is our responsibility to take care of him and guide him to be a better version of ourselves.

So, is he worth it? I'm going to be a little cliché here. When that little grumpy old man, turn into a little smiling angel. He is definitely worth it. 

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